Thursday, July 8, 2010

Reimaan's home coming...

While driving home with Reimaan on my Mom's (Thaami) lap on the rear seats and Tumpi next to me, I never felt responsibility can be that heavy. I let auto-rickshaws overtake me and cabs to honk for slow-driving. As we reached home, I was checking if anybody in the apartment was noticing us, just to check if they saw the new DAD in me! I had taken a extended leave from hospital the day before to clean and arrange our room for Reimaan's arrival, thats when I realised our maid was so horrible !

It turned out to be a tough day for us as Tumpi's vomiting was not curbed and she had to resort to only liquids, which meant that she couldn't take the pain-relievers. So it was hard for her with all the pain and nausea. Reimaan was all on Thaami. I also spent the whole night with 1 hr of sleep. But with the support we had at home, I got to sleep for 2 hrs from 5am and I felt a father even more...

Next day (Tuesday) was far better with Tumpi able to eat and digest some solid food. Thaami (my mom) was in full action making soups and meals for Tumpi. She also gave Reimaan his first bath at home. As for Reimaan he was doing good with his routine nap, food, motion. There was a small homely event "Shasthi" - The 6th Day, where the new-born is assigned a name with traditional style of lighting lamps for each name. The name that glows till the last wins ! The winner was "Susnighdha" who edged out "Idhaant" in a photo-finish. However, we didnt stick to that way as we didnt get enough worthy names.

Reimaan turned 1 week on July 1st :), already I started feeling "these kid grow so fast". Everything was so different, I was not just another guy, but a father... I felt taller, I felt broader and I felt good.

With every passing moment as I saw Tumpi going through all the pain and still doing everything for Reimaan made me feel one very important thing something till 24th June I never realised. The effort, sacrifice and suffering a mother takes with the amount of dedication and warmth is incomparable with anything in this world. Lucky me, my mom was so much there for my kid also. I am so indebted that I feel so bad that I ever shouted at her. My life would have been so different without her, and now I am seeing the same as my kid starts his journey...

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